Visitors in National Parks


Visitors in National Parks

Park visitors are stricken

By the pandemic that’s causing havoc

In fall the temperature is cooler

And there’s the annual ritual

Of trees displaying their colors

Leaves change to different shades -

Of red, brown, yellow, and purple


This is the time to visit the national parks

Be it Acadia, Shenandoah,

And the Great Smoky Mountains

But remember to wear your mask

Be prepared to practice social distancing

You can never tell who you’ll meet on a trail.


Be sure to plan your visits to avoid crowds

There’s usually congested traffic

On stretches of the roadway

Of the Great Smoky Mountains Park

But the park campsites sites are adequately spaced

And the facilities are cleaned regularly


By using lesser known trails

Visitors will have the peace of mind

Of enjoying an environment of beautiful trees

And the many trails wherever they go

It’ll be pretty and relaxing this time of the year

Although there’ll be less park attendants

Taking care of critical resources

That park goers have come to enjoy


“Great Provider, be with park attendants during this pandemic.  Help visitors so they will be able to enjoy the peace in the parks amidst the flowering leaves of trees.”



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