
Showing posts from April, 2023

One With The Universe

  One With the Universe I’m careful about life. I often try to do my best. I pray to the Eternal Presence. And take good care of myself. I endeavor to eat right, exercise, and have fun. Still, I read a lot, and think about circumstances. But you may not know what perplexes me?   I work hard to better myself. I can honestly say that I’ve grown spiritually. In much of my life, I’ve prevailed. But a mystery lies with everything that I do. Some people live by trying their best, And when they die, they hope to reap rewards. So, many men and women place their hopes in Heaven. But I envision a different afterlife.   I don’t believe in a Christian Heaven. Neither do I believe in reincarnation of Eastern faiths. But what do I hold to be true? At heart I’m a religious naturalist. So, what happens after I leave this earth? I’ll still be One with the Eternal Presence of the Universe.      

Art of Living

  Art of Living What does such an art mean? Many people do their own thing. Is there a right way? There seems to be different paths.   To some it may be going with the flow. People experience these special moments. Everything will just fall into place. This approach may seem so very easy.   But what about doing the hard work? Some plan and figure out their course of action. They do so by the sweat of their brow. Eventually, these individuals reap their rewards.   Others may decide to pray for guidance. They may hold the belief that is the way of success. So, they will offer up prayers for special blessings. To them, this is not magical or wishful thinking.   Despite these approaches there must be goals. Figuring out what to do, depends on the individual. Therefore, everyone must devise a workable plan. Then, focus on accomplishing the goals they set.      

Colors of Rainbow

  Colors of Rainbow People reflect the spectrum. They come in different colors. Glorious shades greet daylight. Beauty graces their many gifts.   The Black race is most prolific. Their color range titillates our eyes. Some are as dark like charcoal. Others appear like a sparkling white.   But what does different colors mean? Why do people talk about color? Is a person’s color really important? These are some questions that matter.   Africans hear stories of the Black race. Europeans learn what it means to be White. Asians are referred to as being Yellow. While Native Americans are viewed as Red.   Our nation is in the colors of the rainbow. Their gifts transcend their ethnic groups. Diversity is an underlying strength of all people. That’s why America is so richly blessed.

The Invisible Kingdom

  The Invisible Kingdom Meghan O’ Rourke’s The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness was a National Book Award Finalist. This book presented the grueling hardships of the author’s struggle with the devastating illnesses of autoimmune diseases. Her struggles began in earnest as a young woman at university and persisted later in her life. Eventually, Meghan was able to find suitable help after visiting numerous specialists. During these encounters she was upset by the lack of knowledge concerning autoimmune diseases, physicians’ inability to make a diagnosis, and hearing that sufferers of such an illness must have a psychological problem. After years of trials and errors she was diagnosed as having Lyme disease. Meghan received a treatment of antibiotics that helped. Yet, she continued to suffer with bodily pains and brain fog, but at times she felt better. Well, enough, to make trips, teach classes, and be able to work out. It was after having a fecal transfer in England

Living in Harmony

  Living in Harmony “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” —Marcus Aurelius (121–180 AD), Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher The joy of living is contagious.   Each day it comes like the light which shines brighter and brighter.    In short it’s our daily bread dished out for us to taste its sweetness.   This heavenly delicacy which is sweeter than honey accompanies us on our journey.   Faith is a free and everlasting gift that has no limits.   It’s special and supernatural.   Supremely, it’s like heaven on earth when people traverse fields picking beautiful flowers.   This journey is through the loving care of our Creator, who dwells in the Universe.   In our divinely orchestrated world believers stroll independently walking by faith, and not by sight.   Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890), a major Dutch Post-Impressionist painter said, “I am still far from being what I want to be, but with God’s help I shall succeed.”   Van Gogh was talking about t

Life's Possibilities

  Life’s Possibilities Life’s possibilities are alive and well. In America everyone should get a piece of the pie. That’s because all are blessed with that God-given right. So, why should society subject some only to have crumbs?   Let each citizen use their gifts, And pursue their dreams in this land of abundance. In this way each one will be using their talents, For the betterment of their fellowmen and women.   Believe in the possibilities and dreams of America. Look ahead and welcome the shining light on the hill. Our society must pursue justice, and let freedom reign. Give everyone a job to do with dignity, And provide the tools for scientists to cure diseases.   Diseases like sickle cell anemia, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. But leaders shouldn’t plan on leaving anyone behind. With grateful hearts and steady hands Let us pursue these dreams by sharing such goals in our communities.

An Exceptional Life

  An Exceptional Life O the wonderful things about life. Imagine a life well-lived. What was it like being a child?   It’s a miracle coming into the world. Being quite little and born with potential. Making one’s way over the many hurdles. Yet, people will witness the grace of life.   Adolescence is a different story. Many kids may live conflicted lives. There’s the tug and pull to be good. Yet, tarnishes may leave blemishes.   But adult lives may be quite meaningful. Many people do discover their passion in life. They can come to this stage through perseverance. By now, they might have erred many times.   Old age propels the soul in a different trajectory. Elders will recall their struggles and triumphs. It’s a time for reckoning with family and friends. It’s knowing that one has lived an exceptional life.  

Joyful Sorrow

  Joyful Sorrow The world can be a sad place. Yet, many rejoice in its joyful moments. Such a picture presents itself often. But how should people embrace this reality?   One must think about millions who are hungry. Children are starving in poor developing nations. Violence and crime upend the lives in neighborhoods. People are devastated not knowing what to do.   There is a cry for justice around the world. Still, other storms of life keep impacting their lives. Natural disasters pounce on cities and even in the suburbs. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes blow structures apart.   Amid these catastrophes people regain their strength. They band together and show their resilience. Simple folks remain hopeful that better days are ahead. For, they look to hope as they rebuild from such turmoil.   Setbacks have a way of strengthening people’s will. Such an outlook shapes the way they view their communities. That is how they decide to take p

Golden Years

  Golden Years Oh, what a delight it is To be older and happy The cares of the world Just keep rolling off your back   You have achieved the golden years. Gone are the many skirmishes Some come but they disappear But these problems have been lessons.   Some lessons were hard to learn. Yet, you persevered with life’s trials. So, now you have encountered a happy path. This is through the many moral commitments.   Now, young people look up to you. Your hair is gray with a twinkle in your eyes. Many wrinkles decorate your face. It is this new reality that shaped your life.   Your love has rebounded with tranquility. Peace of mind governs your life. Wise words gush forth like a fountain. Still waters run deep with a new found joy.    

Nature's Dream

  Nature’s Dream Having a good night’s sleep. Lying comfortably in bed. What a joy it is to be alive. Outside though nature is talking.   I listen to her soothing wind. Just sweeping across the landscape. The birds are merrily singing along. They are all welcoming a new day.   Occasionally, I hear dogs barking. All these sounds are music to my ears. Suddenly, out of nowhere there’s joy. This merriment engulfs my being.   It must have been pattering on the roof. The gentle drizzle of falling rain. So, I rise up to take a look at this scene. There are swaying trees in nature’s dream.   O how delightful is this dreamlike state. But all these images are just passing by. These pictures in my head are about life. Everything only lasts in time at this moment.  

Universe as Home

  Universe as Home Finding nature’s home is joyous. It’s the warmth of splendid suns. That’s where there’s peace. And love reigns supreme.   A home is a blessed place. Parents are a great gift. Their children manifest this hope. Happiness blossoms like flowers.   Colors adorn all of God’s creation. Welcome home is the mantra. But its beauty lies with nature’s loveliness. Abundant blessings drown out all discontent.   But what does this universal home foretell? In which direction are people heading? Where will be their final resting place? Many do look towards a heavenly home.   Yet, nature encompasses in every direction. Some view it as the ubiquitous cloak of God. That’s the abundance of animals, plants, and water. Its sky, moons, and stars are just a part of home.