
Showing posts from March, 2023

Chronic Ailments

  Chronic Ailments How do you feel? Are you suffering from chronic ailments? Is there hope on the horizon? These may be questions that go unanswered.   Many Americans have chronic ailments. Such pain leaves them quite perplexed. Most turn to their doctors for help. Yet, many are disappointed with the results.   These patients’ symptoms are hard to diagnose. They may go from doctor to doctor seeking help. So, soon they may become disappointed with traditional medicine. This is especially the case if they have an autoimmune disease.   For years they have been struggling with such problems. Pain persists that at times is excruciating and hard to bear. But what can they really do to find relief? Some have therefore turn to alternative medicine.   Seeing a chiropractor may be beneficial. Some have gotten help this way. Others swear that marijuana has helped. But some may just have to embrace this new normal.    

Beautiful Fire

  Beautiful Fire Fire burns brightly. Love adorns its light. It’s a promise come true. And joy is in the air.   What does this mean? Can people trust these flames? Why is fire important? Let’s rejoice with each flicker.   Some suffer because of fire Sweeping through the landscape They calculate all its damages In the environment of trees aflame.   Yet, others experience fire’s goodness. They keep warm in winter with its flame. Food is cooked that’s very delicious. And candles are lit by striking a match.   So, let us embrace fire’s beauty. God’s gift of its virtuous flames. People do rejoice living in glory. Fire has captured their emotions. It burns brightly by soothing hearts.  

TheGift of Compassion

  The Gift of Compassion “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.  Without them humanity cannot survive.”   —Dalai Lama (b. 1935), a monk of the Gelug School.   Compassion is a form of love that is aroused when we are faced with those who are suffering or vulnerable.  The Hebrew and Greek words – “rachuwm” and “splanchnisoma” are at times translated as “compassion.”   Other broader meanings are “to show pity” and “to show mercy.”  Synonyms in the English language are “to be loved by,” “to show concern for,” “to be tender-hearted,” and “to act kindly.”  All these terms help with our expressions concerning how we should pray.  Rumi (1207–1273), a Persian Muslim theologian said, “Great can be a garden of compassion.  If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.”   Yet, some of us are brought to our knees when we suffer.  Strange as it may seem such pain might provide relief, insight, and

Walking in Nature

  Walking in Nature Eyes behold nature’s beauty. Trees dance in its loveliness. Breeze sweeps over the hills. Water ripples in the streams.   Walking in nature is delightful. Sad memories just flutter by. Hearts leap with abundant joy. Flowers decorate its rolling paths.   Animals roam in the green pastures. Birds celebrate this festive season. Birth is renewed around the farms. Musicians greet these new portrayals.   But what does happiness mean? Why walk to the sounds of creation? How is one’s spirit renewed? Nature is an incredible change agent.   Picking apples and pears in orchards. Collecting grapes from rural vineyards. Tasting wines that titillate the tastebuds. Enjoying the beauty of nature’s abundance.  

Save Our Youth

  Save Our Youth American youths are handicapped. Their goals are being shattered. Who should be blamed for such travesty? What should adults do to avoid this dilemma?   Where is the youth’s role models? Why is the air so poisoned? Some public officials are responsible. These individuals spill gas on the flames.   These officials’ lives are deplorable. They are known to have abusive relationships. Some of their children are born out of wedlock. Still, these are the ones who are elected.   Others tell glaring lies in the public arena. People often hear them on radio and TV. Yet, these are the leaders of the nation. Unabashedly, they do so in God’s name.   Young people are the future of the nation. Imagine how they are bogged down with paradoxes. These statements are harmful and confusing to young minds. Why aren’t public officials ideal role models to American youths? It’s time for change in this diverse society that Americans love.  

Life of Prayer

  Life of Prayer Why do people pray? Does it make sense? What does it mean? Is your prayer answered?   These are all questions many believers ask. But prayer is a way to express their feelings. These may be troubling and perplexing problems That are tugging at their heart, mind, and soul   In prayer most people turn to a supernatural force. Many see this force as their God. This God is known by different names worldwide. But some people believe that their petitions are heard.   Disbelievers argue it’s just their imagination. They say its self-fulfilling prophecy. Others may say all this wishful thinking is delusional. They argue why do bad things continue to happen?   Still, believers continue steadfast in prayer. It makes them feel as though They are tapping into a higher power for relief But it could well be that prayer isn’t for everyone. If it’s for you, you’ll believe your prayers are answered

Alcohol Addiction

  Alcohol Addiction It is often said that those who don’t drink shouldn’t start.  For those who do, they should drink in moderation.  Some may tell you how easy it is to become hooked on booze.  Alcoholism is addictive and may cause your life to end tragically.  TV viewers have been shown the tragic loss of some celebrities, politicians, rock stars, actors, and actresses to addiction.  Even if someone should survive alcoholism it can still lead to impairment, violence, suicide, and criminal activities.  Stonewall Jackson (1824–1863), a Confederate General during the American Civil War said, “I am more afraid of alcohol than of all the bullets of the enemy.”  He was convinced that alcohol was bad for Americans.   Media Coverage   Alcohol in the media covered many topics:             •   Debates about advertisements             •   The number of liquor billboards in poor neighborhoods             •   T he positive and negative effects on life expectancy             •   D rink

Black-Eyed Susan

  Black-Eyed Susan Yes! Planters are more than mortals. They are helpers of nature. Gardeners’ plant and flowers grow. But it’s nature that determines the outcome.   Take the black-eyed Susan! How does a planter get the best results? Black-eyed Susan must be planted When the soil’s temperature is about 70 degrees The planting period is from March to May. Seedlings flower from June to September.   Black-eyed Susan loves the sun. So, fertilize the soil for the best results. Check the plants to see if they need watering. And be sure the soil doesn’t dry out.   Remove dead leaves to prolong blooming. And you should know when and how to prune. The smaller blooms will occur in the fall But a gardener is just helping nature To ensure the black-eyed Susan grows well. Still, a planter must guard against slugs, snails, Aphids, And fungi by using an organic and anti-fungal program.

Spiritual Awakening

  Spiritual Awakening Life is a challenge. People are always thinking. In their heads are a running commentary. This is what some think they truly are.   But these memories are false. Many people dwell on the past and future. They see the ends as justifying the means. However, these perceptions are totally false.   The real You can be found in the Now. It’s the presence is accessed in stillness. So, be sure to completely silent your mind. Then, you’ll start living in the present moment.   The past and the future are only One. They are best described as the present. Living with a thinking mind is unconscious. While in stillness, one becomes conscious.   Between the space of stillness is the sacred. This is where the real You are found. With such presence, a person will tap into divinity. This realization is called a spiritual awakening.  

Living Successfully

  Living Successfully How could people live successfully? Is it having an ideal job? Must one live in a mansion? And drive a luxury car? But is good health the best? These are some questions that certainly come to mind?   Yes, you could be earning a six-figure salary. You might be enjoying all the comforts of a beautiful home, and the wonders of your car, but your health is not good.   Conflicting thoughts are causing you to worry about life’s problems. How could you then be successful? You might endeavor to calm your mind by thinking positive thoughts and being at peace.   But here is a lesson for the wise. It is not the trappings, and the material things that bring happiness. It is also the state of one’s mind and overall health.   God, help us to have some clear ideas about how to live successfully. Give us the will to change those things that we can, and to know the difference.  

Equal Justice

  Equal Justice There is a legal crisis about the poor, and marginalized people in America. Equal justice fighters are trying to stop the death penalty. They are focusing on changing the prison conditions, and excessive punishments for those who are wrongly convicted.   Equal justice proponents want to do away with unfair sentences in criminal cases, and take steps against racial bias. These fighters defend the mentally ill, who are floundering in prisons. Poverty is dominating poor communities in America.   Justice equality means the criminal system in this process should be rectified. Americans must be educated about these issues. Abusive power by the police should be confronted. Even some innocent poor people are wrongly put to death because of a corrupt justice system.   God, help those in the justice system continue to show compassion to the poor. Be with equal justice fighters who are working to change the legal system, and have polic

O Glorious Life

  O Glorious Life It’s good to wake up. Sleeping through life has a price. All the beautiful things slip away. It’s like waking when still asleep.   Life offers an abundant reality. Anyone can be smitten by this gift. All we have to do is open our eyes. Witness its bright and shining days.   But how can one do such things? Are we talking about a dreamlike state? Can we not see life in all its beauty? What does having a glorious life mean?   Life vibrates in all living forms. Undoubtedly, organisms live and die. Just take note how the forest comes alive. Dead trunks and leaves are in sync.   Humans are born, grow, and die. This is a phenomenon some marvel about. But underlying this reality lies a mystery. Life’s Oneness becomes its eternity.

Heaven on Earth

  Heaven on Earth Just look around. Tell me what you see. There are two streams of life. One filled with happiness and the other with misery. People have a choice, to embrace either of these dimensions. Do they wish to be joyful or sad? Some may argue there are terrible wars, natural disasters, poverty, death, racism, and rampant devastations. Yes, these evils are all true.   Despite these depressive conditions there’s Heaven on Earth that is calling all men, women, and children. This starts by having the Eternal Presence within us. This is the true I Am in the Christian lectionary, Buddha-hod in Buddhism, and Atman in Hinduism among other faiths. Such a transformation changes our experiences in the world to be magical. All conditions begin to make sense in these celestial realms. There is the understanding of the elements of life itself.   People learn that there is much more beauty than having material wealth. They take their lessons from nature, and v

A Blessing in Disguise

  A Blessing in Disguise When situations don’t work out don’t fight, become upset, and keep pushing. Just have a sense of when to let go, relax, and be at peace. Remember there isn’t always a solution.   If you have to try again, come back at a later time. Maybe the problem will resolve itself. Sometimes we may realize it can’t, so, we have to call an expert.   He or she may be able to help. But the same principle applies. If it’s a device it may be time to get another.   With some problems it may be the way things are. Learn to accept these the way they are, and move on. This may well be a blessed gift in disguise.