
Showing posts from January, 2024

Golden Years


Senior Living

                                                           Consider This Option To Aging  

Living With Death

  Living With Death Our son Matthew and daughter-in-law Shannon’s pet dog recently died. For a long time, Emma was sick. She was in pain and suffering, and her health took a turn for the worst. They therefore decided to put her down. It was very sad to see her go, tears were shed, and we are grieving our loss. This experience made me reflect on nature shows I have watched about Life in The Jungle, where wild animals hunt their prey. It is always the strong, agile lions, and tigers over the weak. Life becomes an ongoing battle for survival. Farmers raise animals of all sizes like sheep, cows, and pigs that are slaughtered, and marketed for our consumption. These creatures surrender their lives that we may have an adequate food supply. Then there are man-made wars e.g., World War Ⅰ , World War Ⅱ , and others, that have killed and displaced millions of innocent people, and devastated the planet with weapons of mass destruction. Death and devastation have struck the Middle East

Unity of America

  Unity of America Why do we fight and fuss amongst ourselves? Pull down and destroy this country by how we act. Why not make hay while the sun shines? America’s future destiny depends on how we behave. It is amazing how we forget about the goodness of our nation. Some treat her disrespectfully. Why do they continue to lie, cheat, steal, kill, or deceive to get ahead? They are not only hurting themselves, but all Americans. America as a land of freedoms should live up to its ideals. We ought to pull together, and assist each other – White and Black, rich, and poor, strong, and weak. There are unity and strength in diversity. Let us join forces, and make our communities stronger. It is time we stop tearing this beloved nation apart. Let well-meaning people choose to be symbols of hope in the world. America’s democracy depends upon how we live, believe, love, think, and act. This nation is a beacon on the hill. In our endeavors, there should be no excuse for not doing what is

Reinhold Niebuhr

  Reinhold Niebuhr Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was author of The Serenity Prayer. Since its inception in 1943, this prayer has had an interesting history. It was hijacked in Germany, the country where Niebuhr's parents were born before settling in the United States. God grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. Niebuhr's life was as a preacher, writer, professor, ambassador to European countries - especially Germany, and England. He met with the World Council of Churches, and shared his views on ecumenical ventures to some denominations - Episcopalian, Methodist, Congregationalist, Reformed, and Evangelical Lutherans. For 40 years Niebuhr has been a prolific advocate. At the Union Theological Seminary in New York, he ruffled feathers with his opposition to American neutrality during World War II, beliefs in racial equality, and outreach to the poor in the ghettos. Niebuhr served as

World On Fire

  World On Fire For a variety of reasons, The World is on Fire. One major problem is caused by its leaders who have disregarded some of the earth’s basic laws. -       From generation-to generation humans have lived as though natural resources are unlimited. -       The race for nuclear superiority has continued to dominate world’s headlines. -       Nations go to war instead of living in peace. -       There exists injustice, and racial inequality worldwide. -       About one-third of the world’s population lives in poverty, is hungry, and unemployed. -       Millions of people are suffering from chronic diseases. -       Global warming threatens life on earth. Yet, developed nations have continued to pursue some policies that are detrimental to humanity. Major allocations in their economies reflect these discrepancies. Still, many nations live according to these harmful practices. One wonders how is it that quite often history tends to repeat itself? Is it because

A Garden, Bread & Breakfast

  A Garden Bread & Breakfast - Outer Banks

Happy New Year!

  Happy New Year! Have you made resolutions? Did they come from your heart? Will you be able to do better? These are questions for 2024.   2023 has come to an end. Old ways have flown out the window. But this New Year is filled with promises. These are gifts for the young and old.   What can you do? Try changing your life. Trust the things you do. It’s good to mention a few.   “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Just don’t repeat these words. This means reaching out to everyone - Family, friends, neglected, and lonely.   “Be kind to people you meet unexpectedly.” Extend to the unfortunate a helping hand. Always be honest, joyful, and compassionate. “Do unto others what you wish for yourself.”