Black Bee Black Bee, what do you want? What are you trying to say? These are questions that Puzzled me as you kept flying, And darting around madly. Is this a celestial dance? Is it some sort of celebration? Did you see me as an angel? Or, am I an enemy? Ideas of your mission kept Popping up in my head. To be honest I was rather Perplexed. I had to be Concerned since my wife Mary, And son Matthew were stung By bees on the same porch Where I was meditating. I kept an eye on this black Carpenter bee. I was Admiring what a beautiful Creature it was. Its yellow trunk And black extremity fascinated Me. However, although at Times it came inches to my Face, it didn’t sting me. It had to be a divine presence. With Mary and Matthew was it Different? Weeks before, they Got stung, and used a sliced Onion to heal their pain. One Saturday morning, this was a Lesson, I learned by listening to The People’s Pharmacy on