Suffering in Life


Suffering in Life

 No one likes to suffer.  Yet, it is through the suffering of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who died on the cross at Calvary people’s victory was won.  Jesus died the most excruciating, and humiliating death.  As we learned in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, he was condemned by a council of elders, beaten, nailed to a cross, pierced, died, was buried, resurrected, and ascended into heaven. He is presently seated at the right hand of God, the Father.

 Like him, people continue to suffer for various reasons.  To sinners, such suffering is like days of doom, and are hopeless.  They will gain nothing, save the disgrace, torture, misery, and everlasting death.  To Christians however, suffering has REAL meaning.  It may come as chastisement from Our Lord Jesus Christ, for wrongs they have done, and continue to do.  Repeatedly, the Holy Spirit may be warning them not to go down such a sinful path.  Yet, people may insist in doing exactly how they feel, for many say they are having fun doing these unsavory deeds.  It is then that the Lord may step in to try to deter them because he loves them, by bringing afflictions their way to guide them back to his flock (Heb 12:5-11).

 Our Own Will

 Still people have their own will and may decide not to listen to their conscience.  God, however will never give up on them.  He may decide to turn on the pressure when they refuse.  People basically know when they are going astray.  Their conscience serves as accurate barometers for how they are living.  If they insist on going their own way after being prodded time and time again, the Lord may eventually give up on them.  This is when their hearts become hardened with sin.  The results of flagrant disobedience may well lead to disastrous consequences.

 Suffering might be for our own good (Ps 94:12-13).  Saints and believers have learned important lessons by being afflicted.  For one, they could have insights into the relationship between their affliction and sinful behavior.  In times of illness, they may experience the tender care of their caregivers.  More likely, they will depend on family and friends who are the body of Christ. Physically and psychologically the afflicted realize their limitations, and place their trust on a loving God.

 These ailments may become like gifts to those who are ministering to the sick.  In their state of weakness, these are testimonies of what it means to be broken in Christ (1 Pet 4:12-16).  In anguish the Lord will give these caretakers strength to show his love in the world.  These individuals are some of the more authentic Christians.  Most likely will recall the pain of family members, and friends while working at homes, hospitals, and nursing homes.  These Christian-minded individuals who have embraced the faith know that their victory has already been won by Jesus Christ, who gave his life for all of us (1 Cor 15:57).




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